Do I need to bring a water filter for Kilimanjaro? No, you don’t need to bring a water filter for the hike. We provide all the drinking water you’ll need during your climb. We source water from nearby mountain streams. The water is then boiled thoroughly to ensure it’s safe to drink.

The water is clean and tastes great on its own. However, if you prefer a flavored drink feel free to bring powdered sports drink mixes. Sports drink mixes can also help to replenish electrolytes.

We follow the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality (GDWQ). According to WHO, bringing water to a rolling boil effectively kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. This ensure it is completely safe for human consumption.

Do I need to bring a water filter for a Kilimanjaro climb?

Do I need to bring a water filter for a Kilimanjaro climb? No, rest assured, hydration is a top priority during your hike. We’ll ensure you stay well-supplied with safe, great-tasting water. You are however welcome to bring a water filter or purification system.